Dine in the Dark for NCBI

Dine in the Dark is back and is bigger and better than ever. Ireland’s premier food celebration will return this coming October for a full month.

This year only 50 venues can register to hold an exclusive Dine in the Dark event and receive event management support from the Dine in the Dark expert.

This fabulous and fun food celebration is brought to you by and in aid of the National Council for the Blind of Ireland.

Register here: http://dineinthedark.ie/register/

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/dineinthedark.ie/?ref=bookmarks

Twitter: https://twitter.com/DineinthedarkIE

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/dineinthedarkie/


What’s in it for you?

  • Dedicated event management support
  • Invitation to the exclusive Red Carpet Exhibition event in June
  • Press coverage at a local level (minimum), national level (maximum)
  • Content calendar: for use on your social media. (Images & text)
  • Guaranteed customers: your event will be ticketed, ensuring that all costs are covered in advance of the event
  • Entertainment: Your event manager will help you with your running order, plan immersive activities with customers and deliver a keynote at your event to highlight your restaurant and your impact in the local community

What are we asking of you?

  • Fundraise for NCBI: You and your event manager will meet, set and agree on a fundraising target
  • Ticketing: Set up an Evenbrite page
  • Brand Activation: Place branded materials in your restaurant to promote the event in advance, this also help with tickets sales
  • Social Media: schedule social media content from your calendar
  • Change Lives: Help us improve the lives of thousands of blind and vision impaired people by challenging perceptions of ability


Guests will be guided to their seats blindfolded and they will then indulge in the most exquisite food, specially prepared for these immersive experiences. Without their sight to guide them guests will experience, taste, texture and flavour in a completely new and innovative way. Communication is also altered during the meal, which builds excitement during the experience, it also gives guests a rare insight into the lives of individuals living with limited vision.

While it is impossible to fully simulate blindness, Dine in the Dark provides guests with a wonderful opportunity to explore some of the challenges faced by individuals with sight loss in a comfortable and provocative setting. This sensory sensation is NCBI’s national awareness and fundraising campaign, the funds raised ensures we can deliver life changing sight loss services across Ireland.  Will you feast your imagination this year and not just your eyes?


Dine in the Dark is kindly sponsored by Novartis, Fujitsu and the Classic Drinks.

Ready to become a member?

Find out more about the benefits of memberships
with the Association here.